
Main Entry: Analysis

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: Examination and Determination

Manifestation: Sitting on the toilet, staring intensely at an OPK in one hand and a tissue of CM in the other.  The OPK as usual says nothing while the CM is clear and stretchy and, dare I say, fertile…. But is that really like an egg white? Is it ‘stretchy’ enough? And why does my temp chart look like the path of a drunk driver?  CD #21- It’s late ovulation for most but seems to be typical for me, queen of the 35-40 day cycles. This is the last cycle of charting before our first real insemination attempt and I still haven’t had a single cycle that I can make sense of.   Although I am an ‘information-seeker,’ I am both comforted and terrorized by this new hypervigilance towards my own body and the necessary waiting built into this process.  More time to wait, means more time to scrutinize…

One response to “scrutiny

  1. My cycles are ALL OVER the place. My temperatures never look like they are supposed to and I’ve had positive OPK for 4-10 days in a row! I think everyone’s body is different and sometimes this charting is very overwhelming if you don’t fit the 28day norm.

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